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OBD2A Repair Services: Bench Test, Capacitors, IC11

New service for 2025!

While these ECU’s have updated onboard surface mount components they still carry over certain older components that wear such as capacitors, transistors, and IC’s. While rare, OBD2A ECU’s are seeing their age now and can experience the same delayed fuel pump priming and leaky capacitor problems OBD1 ECU’s have. Luckily, I now offer repair services for OBD2A ECU’s!

The “OBD2A” Honda/Acura ECU’s is generally the wiring/ECU era from 1996-1998 and have a long rectangular body type just like OBD1 ECU’s.  The onboard ECU connector orientation is typically A/C/D  for manual ECU’s and A/B/C/D for auto ECU’s – but their rectangular body is an instant identifier compared to small body OBD2B ECU’s.

Similar to the OBD1 ECU’s, OBD2A ECU’s have an IC component (located at IC11 on the PCB) regardless of country the ECU is from. This component works exactly the same way as it does on previous generation OBD1 ECU’s – managing certain power distributions, such as fuel pump operation!

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, capacitors and/or IC11 components are more than likely going bad:

  • Delayed or no fuel pump priming after ignition is ON
  • Weird/wonky fuel pump behavior with ambient temps and in-cabin temperature changes
    ex: vehicle runs fine on cold start but once warmed up and driven on, weird things happen and the vehicle can be hard to start back up if turned off or will turn back on after waiting about 10mins or so.

OBD2A Supported ECU’s I Can Service:

  • All 96-98 Civic (AT/MT) USDM/JDM
  • All 96-97 Del Sol (AT/MT)  USDM/JDM
  • All 96-99 Integra (AT/MT) USDM/JDM
  • 96-02 Accord 4cyl (AT/MT) USDM/JDM
  • 1996 Prelude (AT/MT) USDM/JDM
  • TBD – 97-01 Prelude (AT/MT) USDM/JDM

Fee: $85 includes: bench testing, full capacitor replacement, IC11 replacement, and return shipping (for domestic customers).


Please use the contact page to inquire for any of these services.